Kung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the LawKung Fu Kitty: Laying Down the Law by Lauri Bortz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well-she is a lady version of Moses-who had the dream of liberating her men from the slavery of anther race-or in this case from another species.
The difference is Moses was not very successful in his endeavour-but she was and she became the first president of her country.
So much was her burden of gratitude on her species-that even today a member of her species remembers her when he or she has a favourite meal.
Well-by now I am sure that you have started wondering whether I am speaking about a member of the species Homo sapiens. You are right, my dear Watson in your suspicion-that I am not talking about human- I am simply talking about species-Felis Catus-or in other words- simple cats.
Yes-I am talking about adorable cats. Have you ever wondered that they too can have a guiding rule of Ten Commandments type or like three laws of robots? It is time to check your imagination- they do have and they have an aggressive attitude- development oriented mind……………
Just before reading Kung Fu Kitty-Laying Down the Law by Lauri Bortz I too do not have such perceptions. But now I have been baptised with the faith and nobody can change it- such is the narration skill of the writer.
It is a perfect literary nonsense- with a curious mix of fantasy and science fiction. But if I do speak that the writer has a satirical perspective of contemporary world imported into the cat land, I think I will not be that wrong. And the book instantly does not get confined to the very young readers.
in a yet not discovered part of ancient china-the cats were in chains under the not so brutal regime of Monkey Kingdom –until Wu Zhua-the five clawed president guided them to freedom. the president although had a shared childhood with the queen of the kingdom- after their separation-or rather freedom on the part of Catland-there was a little dent in their friendship. But the queen was not heartless

“A less difficult, more permanent sacrifice was also made by Shuang Wei to benefit the cat’s new domain. She surrendered her most prized possessions, the Royal Monkey Heirlooms, to a Catland development fund. Their exorbitant value permitted the necessary transformations from Simian civilization to cat habitat.”
Now they have become an independent nation-they are in dire need or a parliament-an elected government and a government by the cats, for the cats and with the cats. They have very eligible leaders-do not underestimate them and they have the reconstruction work in full swing- industrialization of milk and dairy products were their first priority. Cats are cats-after all! And gifted craftsmen from the species of mice (who else better understand the taste?) were hired from the far off country called SWITZERLAND!
Statutory warning- any resemblance with dead or alive things is purely coincidental!
But everything in excess will have a foul effect-cat’s excessive liking to dairy products-and perhaps who made them –who knows-started to be a reason of headache for the leader. They are getting too big-too fat-too idle-all in too quick a time.
It is little too much for the little head of Wu Zhua and one day in her royal garden she found the spaceship-the ship of her destiny-and probably the destiny of the Catland. She discovered a catfish there that started to tell her the story of the faraway end of the galaxy where space cats do live- their planet-their hope and aspiration- their leaders-their stories of conflict……
The story goes from strength to strength- voyaging to the depth of the human sorry-cat’s emotion. It is a story that is more perfectly suited to the young mind-as it imparts the essential teaching of values that are becoming so rare to found in those days.
And I simply love the conclusion-within the depth of eternal friendship-bond of friendship that has the power to break the barrier of space and time……

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